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Search for "monodisperse" in Full Text gives 125 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology.

Unveiling the potential of alginate-based nanomaterials in sensing technology and smart delivery applications

  • Shakhzodjon Uzokboev,
  • Khojimukhammad Akhmadbekov,
  • Ra’no Nuritdinova,
  • Salah M. Tawfik and
  • Yong-Ill Lee

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 1077–1104, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.88

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Published 22 Aug 2024

Comparative electron microscopy particle sizing of TiO2 pigments: sample preparation and measurement

  • Ralf Theissmann,
  • Christopher Drury,
  • Markus Rohe,
  • Thomas Koch,
  • Jochen Winkler and
  • Petr Pikal

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 317–332, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.29

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  • method is effective for loosely bound monodisperse particles such as polystyrene latex or gold particles. However, it can be challenging when dealing with highly agglomerated and cohesive particles such as TiO2, especially for laboratories without prior experience. The authors have chosen to use “E171
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Published 25 Mar 2024

Curcumin-loaded albumin submicron particles with potential as a cancer therapy: an in vitro study

  • Nittiya Suwannasom,
  • Netsai Sriaksorn,
  • Chutamas Thepmalee,
  • Krissana Khoothiam,
  • Ausanai Prapan,
  • Hans Bäumler and
  • Chonthida Thephinlap

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 1127–1140, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.93

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  • , Table S1). CUR loading did not change significantly the particle size. The particles were quite monodisperse as indicated by the relatively low PDI values. In addition, the zeta potential values of CUR-HSA-MPs (−15.30 ± 0.02 mV) and HSA-MPs (−14.50 ± 0.06 mV) were similar. The zeta potential analysis of
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Published 21 Nov 2023

The steep road to nonviral nanomedicines: Frequent challenges and culprits in designing nanoparticles for gene therapy

  • Yao Yao,
  • Yeongun Ko,
  • Grant Grasman,
  • Jeffery E. Raymond and
  • Joerg Lahann

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 351–361, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.30

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  • solvent are used (e.g., deionized/polished deionized water or common buffer) allowing for comparison to other studies. Regarding standard practices, ASTM E3247 provides excellent advice for the assessment of monodisperse samples by DLS with a focus of accuracy, repeatability, reproducibility, and bias in
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Published 17 Mar 2023

Biocatalytic synthesis and ordered self-assembly of silica nanoparticles via a silica-binding peptide

  • Mustafa Gungormus

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 280–290, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.25

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  • monodisperse nanoparticles and to modify the surface properties to fully exploit the advantages offered by self-assembly. Biomolecules, such as peptides and proteins, have been demonstrated to be useful in the synthesis and self-assembly of inorganic nanostructures [15][16]. Herein, we have investigated the
  • , indicating highly monodisperse (PDI < 0.080) particles. At all concentrations, the particles were organized into a branched fibrillar network, which is characteristic to the gel state of colloidal SiO2 (Figure 2) [26]. Colloidal gels are formed when colloidally suspended particles form a branched fibrillar
  • with increasing SiBP concentrations (Figure 3e,f). The PDI for the NH3 + 1 mM SiBP was lower compared to other groups containing NH3, indicating a narrower size distribution. However, the other groups also yielded monodisperse distributions with PDIs below 0.080 (Figure 3a–d). The second hypothesis of
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Published 28 Feb 2023

Two-step single-reactor synthesis of oleic acid- or undecylenic acid-stabilized magnetic nanoparticles by thermal decomposition

  • Mykhailo Nahorniak,
  • Pamela Pasetto,
  • Jean-Marc Greneche,
  • Volodymyr Samaryk,
  • Sandy Auguste,
  • Anthony Rousseau,
  • Nataliya Nosova and
  • Serhii Varvarenko

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 11–22, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.2

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  • mol of acetylacetonate and up to 5.5 mol/mol. Below the mentioned limit, NPM dispersions were colloidally unstable, and at higher ratios no NPM were formed which could be precipitated by an applied magnetic field. Monodisperse nanoparticles of iron oxides were synthesized with a diameter of 8–13 nm
  • sextet is composed of broadened and asymmetric lines. It can be well described by a discrete distribution of hyperfine fields, which also leads to an average isomeric shift corresponding to the presence of only Fe3+ moieties. Thus, it can be concluded that the described nanoparticles are monodisperse and
  • of maghemite nanoparticles. These observations agree with the result of the present study, confirming the monodisperse nature of the maghemite nanoparticles obtained. The TMU-V nanoparticle sample was also measured at 300 and 77 K (Figure 6), and the profiles differ from those observed for the TMO-I
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Published 03 Jan 2023

Facile preparation of Au- and BODIPY-grafted lipid nanoparticles for synergized photothermal therapy

  • Yuran Wang,
  • Xudong Li,
  • Haijun Chen and
  • Yu Gao

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1432–1444, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.118

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  • particle size depended on the molar ratio of DSPE-DTPA/Au3+/BDP (Table 1). The particle sizes of AB-LNPs changed with the amount of the grafted BDP on the surface of Au-LNPs. AB-LNPs with optimal molar ratio showed appropriate particle size, monodisperse distribution, rice-like shape, and high drug loading
  • related with the DSPE-DTPA/Au3+/BDP molar ratio. Using the optimal DSPE-DTPA/Au3+/BDP molar ratio of 2:1:1, AB-LNPs with appropriate particle size and monodisperse distribution could be prepared reproducibly at 25 °C. AB-LNPs demonstrated excellent stability, good photothermal conversion efficiency, and
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Published 02 Dec 2022

Ethosomal (−)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate as a novel approach to enhance antioxidant, anti-collagenase and anti-elastase effects

  • Çiğdem Yücel,
  • Gökçe Şeker Karatoprak,
  • Sena Yalçıntaş and
  • Tuğba Eren Böncü

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 491–502, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.41

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  • min followed by sonication using an ultrasonic bath (Wise Clean, Korea, 210 W, 40 kHz), at 40% sonication strength, and three cycles of 30 min to obtain monodisperse vesicles and to enhance encapsulation efficiency [44][45]. Then, ETHs were collected by centrifugation at 10.000 rpm for 30 min. For the
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Published 31 May 2022

Alcohol-perturbed self-assembly of the tobacco mosaic virus coat protein

  • Ismael Abu-Baker and
  • Amy Szuchmacher Blum

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 355–362, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.30

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  • applications [7][8]. Many viruses and VLPs form monodisperse particles due to the natural capsid protein symmetry and inter-subunit interactions, as well as interactions with encapsidated genetic material [9][10]. Viruses can be obtained in high yields by propagation in host organisms, and viral capsid
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Published 01 Apr 2022

Sputtering onto liquids: a critical review

  • Anastasiya Sergievskaya,
  • Adrien Chauvin and
  • Stephanos Konstantinidis

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 10–53, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.2

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  • , Czech Republic 10.3762/bjnano.13.2 Abstract Sputter deposition of atoms onto liquid substrates aims at producing colloidal dispersions of small monodisperse ultrapure nanoparticles (NPs). Since sputtering onto liquids combines the advantages of the physical vapor deposition technique and classical
  • the composition of surrounding media, it is extremely important to control these parameters. Nowadays, an interested reader can find thousands of different recipes of NP synthesis allowing one to prepare stable colloidal solutions of monodisperse NPs. However, not all published synthetic procedures
  • reputation of a method permitting the production of ultrapure monodisperse NPs without additional stabilizing and reducing reagents. Despite the fact that low-pressure plasma-based sputtering is known since 1852 and widely used in industry [6][7][8], the SoL approach is not a well-established field yet
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Published 04 Jan 2022

Colloidal particle aggregation: mechanism of assembly studied via constructal theory modeling

  • Scott C. Bukosky,
  • Sukrith Dev,
  • Monica S. Allen and
  • Jeffery W. Allen

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 413–423, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.33

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  • increase in the coordination number. We should note that the results presented here assume the self-assembly of monodisperse spherical particles suspended in a monovalent salt solution arranged in a uniform starting configuration. Given the Brownian nature of colloidal particles, future simulations should
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Published 06 May 2021

Characterization, bio-uptake and toxicity of polymer-coated silver nanoparticles and their interaction with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells

  • Sahar Pourhoseini,
  • Reilly T. Enos,
  • Angela E. Murphy,
  • Bo Cai and
  • Jamie R. Lead

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 282–294, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.23

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  • 0.18, indicating an acceptably monodisperse particle suspension and an absence of larger agglomerates in ultrahigh-purity water (UHPW) (Table 1). A representative curve is shown in Supporting Information File 1, Figure S1a. The zeta potential was measured as −23.3 ± 2.1 mV for PVP-coated AgNPs (PVP
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Published 24 Mar 2021

A review on the green and sustainable synthesis of silver nanoparticles and one-dimensional silver nanostructures

  • Sina Kaabipour and
  • Shohreh Hemmati

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 102–136, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.9

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Published 25 Jan 2021

Nanocasting synthesis of BiFeO3 nanoparticles with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity

  • Thomas Cadenbach,
  • Maria J. Benitez,
  • A. Lucia Morales,
  • Cesar Costa Vera,
  • Luis Lascano,
  • Francisco Quiroz,
  • Alexis Debut and
  • Karla Vizuete

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1822–1833, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.164

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  • Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Av. Gral. Rumiñahui s/n, Sangolquí, PO Box 171-5-231B, Ecuador 10.3762/bjnano.11.164 Abstract In this work, monodisperse BiFeO3 nanoparticles with a particle diameter of 5.5 nm were synthesized by a nanocasting technique using mesoporous silica SBA-15 as a hard template and pre
  • wet impregnation process and a calcination procedure with intermediate plateaus, monodisperse 5.5 nm BiFeO3 nanoparticles were successfully obtained. Furthermore, the nanoparticles were applied in photodegradation reactions of rhodamine B in aqueous solution under visible-light irradiation. Notably
  • exclusively round particles with a particle diameter of 5.5 nm with a very narrow size distribution (standard deviation of ±1.0 nm on 258 analyzed particles, see histogram in Figure 5b). The monodisperse nature of the nanoparticles as well as their size of 5.5 nm confirms the successful wet impregnation of
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Published 07 Dec 2020

High-responsivity hybrid α-Ag2S/Si photodetector prepared by pulsed laser ablation in liquid

  • Raid A. Ismail,
  • Hanan A. Rawdhan and
  • Duha S. Ahmed

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1596–1607, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.142

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  • monodisperse Ag2S NPs when using the CTAB surfactant. The optoelectronic properties of α-Ag2S/p-Si photodetector, such as current–voltage characteristics and responsivity in the dark and under illumination, were also improved after using the CTAB surfactant. The responsivity of the photodetector increases from
  • . Keywords: cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB); laser ablation; monodisperse; photodetector; silver(I) sulfide (Ag2S); thiourea; Introduction Nanomaterials have attracted considerable attention due to their superior chemical and physical properties. The size-dependent properties of nanomaterials have
  • show a strong tendency to agglomerate and aggregate and consequently form large particles. In this context, extensive studies have been conducted to obtain monodisperse and single-morphology Ag2S NPs. Dong et al. prepared faceted and cubic Ag2S nanocrystals using a cost-effective cetyltrimethylammonium
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Published 21 Oct 2020

Applications of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in drug and therapeutic delivery, and biotechnological advancements

  • Maria Suciu,
  • Corina M. Ionescu,
  • Alexandra Ciorita,
  • Septimiu C. Tripon,
  • Dragos Nica,
  • Hani Al-Salami and
  • Lucian Barbu-Tudoran

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1092–1109, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.94

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  • vitro and in vivo [24]. Also, the synthesis of nanoparticles larger than 20 nm requires a certain surface coverage of the nanoparticles to obtain a monodisperse colloidal solution and to prevent the aggregation of nanoparticles. The substances used for the synthesis are either lipids or surfactants. In
Published 27 Jul 2020

Uniform Fe3O4/Gd2O3-DHCA nanocubes for dual-mode magnetic resonance imaging

  • Miao Qin,
  • Yueyou Peng,
  • Mengjie Xu,
  • Hui Yan,
  • Yizhu Cheng,
  • Xiumei Zhang,
  • Di Huang,
  • Weiyi Chen and
  • Yanfeng Meng

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1000–1009, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.84

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  • (about 6.33 ± 0.09 nm) but were still monodisperse (Figure 2b,e). The change in size might have happened due to changes in the surface when the FGOA nanocubes were converted into FGDA nanocubes. In order to verify the composition and distribution of elements in the FGDA nanocubes, energy-dispersive X-ray
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Published 08 Jul 2020

Nanoparticles based on the zwitterionic pillar[5]arene and Ag+: synthesis, self-assembly and cytotoxicity in the human lung cancer cell line A549

  • Dmitriy N. Shurpik,
  • Denis A. Sevastyanov,
  • Pavel V. Zelenikhin,
  • Pavel L. Padnya,
  • Vladimir G. Evtugyn,
  • Yuriy N. Osin and
  • Ivan I. Stoikov

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 421–431, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.33

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  • that the stable monodisperse 3/Ag+ associates were formed only in the case of macrocycle 3 (10−3–10−5 M) in the presence of Ag+ (Supporting Information File 1, Table S1) over a wide range of concentrations. Thus, the formation of monodisperse nanometer-sized associates occurs with a ten-fold excess of
  • Ag+ (10−2 M) at a macrocycle 3 concentration of 10−3 M (Supporting Information File 1, Table S1). With a decrease in the concentration of 3 (10−4–10−5 M), the formation of monodisperse nanometer-sized associates occurs over a wider range of concentrations of Ag+ (10−3–10−5 M) (Supporting Information
  • methods. As a result of the association, monodisperse 3/Ag+ nanoparticles are formed in the entire wide range of concentrations studied (10−3–10−5M). The minimum PDI values (0.041) were obtained for the macrocycle/AgNO3 = 1:10 ratio (c(3) = 10−4 M, c(AgNO3) = 10−3 M) with an average hydrodynamic diameter
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Published 05 Mar 2020

Understanding nanoparticle flow with a new in vitro experimental and computational approach using hydrogel channels

  • Armel Boutchuen,
  • Dell Zimmerman,
  • Abdollah Arabshahi,
  • John Melnyczuk and
  • Soubantika Palchoudhury

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 296–309, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.22

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  • 500 particle analyzer, before applying the aqueous NP solutions for flow experiments. All four types of the iron oxide NPs showed a monodisperse size distribution (Figure 5b). Among these, the iron oxide NPs prepared with 0.06 mmol PVP/0.007 mmol PEI showed the smallest size (69 nm) with a narrow
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Published 06 Feb 2020

Bombesin receptor-targeted liposomes for enhanced delivery to lung cancer cells

  • Mohammad J. Akbar,
  • Pâmela C. Lukasewicz Ferreira,
  • Melania Giorgetti,
  • Leanne Stokes and
  • Christopher J. Morris

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 2553–2562, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.246

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  • formulations were prepared using the thin-film technique to yield small and monodisperse vesicles as judged by dynamic light scattering (DLS) analysis (Table 1). The colloidal properties of both liposomal formulations were highly similar in terms of size, polydispersity and zeta potential and consistent with
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Published 19 Dec 2019

Coating of upconversion nanoparticles with silica nanoshells of 5–250 nm thickness

  • Cynthia Kembuan,
  • Maysoon Saleh,
  • Bastian Rühle,
  • Ute Resch-Genger and
  • Christina Graf

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 2410–2421, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.231

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  • [6][7]. This makes UCNPs attractive for applications in the life sciences [8][9][10][11]. Some of the most frequently used UCNPs are NaYF4-based nanoparticles (NPs) with Yb3+ as the light absorbing sensitizer and Er3+ as the emitting activator [12][13][14][15]. Monodisperse UCNPs with relatively high
  • processes, in which TEOS is continuously added to seeds in a growth solution, allow for the growth of large, monodisperse NPs in a single step, provided the seed NPs are well dispersed in the growth solution [28][29]. A versatile approach for growing silica shells onto inorganic NPs that cannot be dispersed
  • monodisperse particles with just one UCNP core in the center coated by a thick silica shell are obtained. This method should also be suitable for other NPs with hydrophobic surfaces dispersed in an apolar solvent independent of their chemical composition. Results and Discussion The core particles used in this
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Published 09 Dec 2019

Microfluidics as tool to prepare size-tunable PLGA nanoparticles with high curcumin encapsulation for efficient mucus penetration

  • Nashrawan Lababidi,
  • Valentin Sigal,
  • Aljoscha Koenneke,
  • Konrad Schwarzkopf,
  • Andreas Manz and
  • Marc Schneider

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 2280–2293, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.220

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  • PLGA NPs using the nanoprecipitation method. This system offers stable conditions to produce monodisperse particles of small size. At the same time, it offers the possibility to vary some additional factors during preparation, such as channel diameter and channel length [37]. For the successful
  • [43]. Using a PLGA concentration of >10 mg/mL resulted in clogging of the mixing channel due to agglomeration. For concentrations less than 1 mg/mL, we were not able to produce monodisperse PLGA NPs; several peaks ranging from 20 nm up to 100 nm were observed in DLS (data not shown). This was
  • this experiment. The only parameter varied was the nanoparticle size, playing a key role for the penetration behavior [10]. Conclusion The ability of microfluidics to precisely mix reagents with short mixing times under laminar flow conditions allowed for the generation of monodisperse PLGA NPs of
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Published 19 Nov 2019

Incorporation of doxorubicin in different polymer nanoparticles and their anticancer activity

  • Sebastian Pieper,
  • Hannah Onafuye,
  • Dennis Mulac,
  • Jindrich Cinatl Jr.,
  • Mark N. Wass,
  • Martin Michaelis and
  • Klaus Langer

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 2062–2072, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.201

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  • ]. Optimisation is possible [39][42] but was not subject of this study focused on the comparison of different nanoparticle systems prepared by simple methods. Polydispersity indices smaller than 0.1 indicated a monodisperse size distribution for all nanoparticle preparations. Monodispersity and particle diameters
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Published 29 Oct 2019

Gold-coated plant virus as computed tomography imaging contrast agent

  • Alaa A. A. Aljabali,
  • Mazhar S. Al Zoubi,
  • Khalid M. Al-Batanyeh,
  • Ali Al-Radaideh,
  • Mohammad A. Obeid,
  • Abeer Al Sharabi,
  • Walhan Alshaer,
  • Bayan AbuFares,
  • Tasnim Al-Zanati,
  • Murtaza M. Tambuwala,
  • Naveed Akbar and
  • David J. Evans

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 1983–1993, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.195

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  • synthesized based on the previously described method [30], by the adsorption of positively charged polymer on the CPMV virus capsid followed by subsequent reduction of gold ions onto the virus capsid. The approach allowed for the control of the size and generated a highly monodisperse distribution with
  • electrical double layer (solvation shell). Therefore, the size measured in DLS instruments appears to be slightly bigger than that measured by TEM [33]. Particles with PDI values below 0.1 are considered highly monodisperse [33]. Furthermore, to confirm the monodispersity of the particles the Cumulants fit
  • correlogram generated by the DLS instruments, that measures the time at which the correlation starts to significantly decay, gave a slope of 85.3° consistent with a monodisperse distribution. The steeper the line (closer to 90°) the more monodisperse the particles are. The zeta potential cannot be measured
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Published 07 Oct 2019

Microfluidic manufacturing of different niosomes nanoparticles for curcumin encapsulation: Physical characteristics, encapsulation efficacy, and drug release

  • Mohammad A. Obeid,
  • Ibrahim Khadra,
  • Abdullah Albaloushi,
  • Margaret Mullin,
  • Hanin Alyamani and
  • Valerie A. Ferro

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 1826–1832, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.177

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  • had an average particle size of 70–230 nm depending on the type of non-ionic surfactant used and the mixing parameter. Moreover, all prepared niosomes were monodisperse with an average polydispersity index ranging from 0.07 to 0.3. All prepared niosomes were spherical as demonstrated by transmission
  • preparations [13]. In the present work, niosomes for curcumin encapsulation were prepared by microfluidic mixing. Microfluidic mixing is a fast and reliable method for the preparation of niosomes, which allows for the preparation of small and monodisperse particles within seconds. Different formulations
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Published 05 Sep 2019
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