Evolution of the graphite surface in phosphoric acid: an AFM and Raman study

Rossella Yivlialin, Luigi Brambilla, Gianlorenzo Bussetti, Matteo Tommasini, Andrea Li Bassi, Carlo Spartaco Casari, Matteo Passoni, Franco Ciccacci, Lamberto Duò and Chiara Castiglioni
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1878–1884. https://doi.org/10.3762/bjnano.7.180

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Evolution of the graphite surface in phosphoric acid: an AFM and Raman study
Rossella Yivlialin, Luigi Brambilla, Gianlorenzo Bussetti, Matteo Tommasini, Andrea Li Bassi, Carlo Spartaco Casari, Matteo Passoni, Franco Ciccacci, Lamberto Duò and Chiara Castiglioni
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1878–1884. https://doi.org/10.3762/bjnano.7.180

How to Cite

Yivlialin, R.; Brambilla, L.; Bussetti, G.; Tommasini, M.; Li Bassi, A.; Casari, C. S.; Passoni, M.; Ciccacci, F.; Duò, L.; Castiglioni, C. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1878–1884. doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.180

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Scholarly Works

  • Bussetti, G.; Yivlialin, R.; Ciccacci, F.; Duó, L.; Podestá, A. Blistering at the solid-liquid interface: The graphite case-study. Encyclopedia of Solid-Liquid Interfaces; Elsevier, 2024; pp 380–390. doi:10.1016/b978-0-323-85669-0.00063-5
  • Abid, D.; Ben Chobba, M.; Hached, F.; Feki, M. Degradation Resistance of Graphite in Contact with Industrial Phosphoric Acid Mixed with an Oxidizing Agent Through Dynamic and Static Approaches. Mechanisms and Machine Science; Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023; pp 98–107. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-42659-9_11
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  • Ye, Y.; Zhuang, Z.; Su, Y.; Li, S.; Tang, Y.; Liu, Y.; Hongwu, W. Rapid fabrication of partially exfoliated graphite foil with 3D hierarchical structure and its application in electrochemical detection of olaquindox. Electrochimica Acta 2021, 392, 139039. doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2021.139039
  • De Rosa, S.; Branchini, P.; Spampinato, V.; Franquet, A.; Yivlialin, R.; Duò, L.; Bussetti, G.; Tortora, L. Stratigraphic analysis of intercalated graphite electrodes in aqueous inorganic acid solutions. Nano Research 2021, 1–8.
  • De Rosa, S.; Branchini, P.; Spampinato, V.; Franquet, A.; Yivlialin, R.; Duò, L.; Bussetti, G.; Tortora, L. Stratigraphic analysis of intercalated graphite electrodes in aqueous inorganic acid solutions. Nano Research 2021, 15, 1120–1127. doi:10.1007/s12274-021-3614-6
  • Trabattoni, S.; Tavazzi, S.; Yivlialin, R.; Duò, L.; Ciccacci, F.; Bussetti, G. Application of UV-vis optical spectroscopy in electrochemical processes: case-study of graphite anion intercalation. Applied optics 2020, 59, 8175–8181. doi:10.1364/ao.401580
  • Bussetti, G.; Campione, M.; Bossi, A.; Yivlialin, R.; Duò, L.; Ciccacci, F. Anion intercalated graphite: a combined electrochemical and tribological investigation by in situ AFM. Journal of microscopy 2020, 280, 222–228. doi:10.1111/jmi.12927
  • Penconi, M.; Yivlialin, R.; Bussetti, G.; Duò, L.; Bossi, A.; Biroli, A. O. Customised porphyrin coating films for graphite electrode protection: An investigation on the role of peripheral groups by coupled AFM and cyclic voltammetry techniques. Applied Surface Science 2020, 507, 145055. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.145055
  • Yivlialin, R.; Brambilla, L.; Accogli, A.; Gibertini, E.; Tommasini, M.; Goletti, C.; Leone, M.; Duò, L.; Magagnin, L.; Castiglioni, C.; Bussetti, G. Evidence of graphite blister evolution during the anion de-intercalation process in the cathodic regime. Applied Surface Science 2020, 504, 144440. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.144440
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  • Yivlialin, R.; Pace, G.; Bussetti, G.; Caironi, M.; Duò, L. Contact potential and scanning Kelvin force microscopy measurements on sulphate-anion intercalated graphite. Electrochimica Acta 2018, 267, 20–23. doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2018.02.056
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  • Bussetti, G.; Duò, L. Anion Intercalation in Graphite Studied by Electrochemical-Scanning Probe Microscopy: State of the Art and Perspectives. Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry; Elsevier, 2018; pp 27–37. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-409547-2.14164-2
  • Yivlialin, R.; Bussetti, G.; Brambilla, L.; Castiglioni, C.; Tommasini, M.; Duò, L.; Passoni, M.; Ghidelli, M.; Casari, C. S.; Bassi, A. L. Microscopic Analysis of the Different Perchlorate Anions Intercalation Stages of Graphite. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2017, 121, 14246–14253. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b04303
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