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Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1532–1542, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.147
Figure 1: TEM images of a) Fe3O4@OA and b) Fe3O4@PMAO with the diameter size distribution shown between the i...
Figure 2: a) Experimental M vs H hysteresis cycles at 300 and 5 K and b) Magnetization of the zero-field-cool...
Figure 3: EMR spectrum at room temperature for the Fe3O4@OA sample measured in toluene.
Figure 4: SAR values versus applied magnetic field intensity (Happ) at different field frequencies for the Fe3...
Figure 5: Kupffer cells with phagocytized iron deposits (blue dots) in liver tissue. In the fibro-vascular ti...
Figure 6: Error bars show the percentages of tumor necrosis in rats infused with saline or magnetic nanoparti...
Figure 7: Scheme of the AC magnetometer with the air-core coil and the oppositely wound pick-up coils.