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Search for "biocalcite" in Full Text gives 2 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology.

Biocalcite, a multifunctional inorganic polymer: Building block for calcareous sponge spicules and bioseed for the synthesis of calcium phosphate-based bone

  • Xiaohong Wang,
  • Heinz C. Schröder and
  • Werner E. G. Müller

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2014, 5, 610–621, doi:10.3762/bjnano.5.72

Graphical Abstract
  • is the material that builds up the spicules of the calcareous sponges. Recent results revealed that the calcium carbonate/biocalcite-based spicular skeleton of these animals is formed through an enzymatic mechanism, such as the skeleton of the siliceous sponges, evolutionarily the oldest animals that
  • suitable matrix to embed bone forming cells for rapid prototyping bioprinting/3D cell printing applications. Keywords: biocalcite; bioprinting; bone; bone formation; calcareous spicules; sponge; Introduction The size and complexity of a metazoan taxon is correlated with the dimensioning of its respective
Published 12 May 2014

Nano-FTIR chemical mapping of minerals in biological materials

  • Sergiu Amarie,
  • Paul Zaslansky,
  • Yusuke Kajihara,
  • Erika Griesshaber,
  • Wolfgang W. Schmahl and
  • Fritz Keilmann

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2012, 3, 312–323, doi:10.3762/bjnano.3.35

Graphical Abstract
  • observe a reproducible vibrational (phonon) resonance within all biocalcite microcrystals, and distinctly different spectra on bioaragonite. Surprisingly, we discover sparse, previously unknown, 20 nm thin nanoparticles with distinctly different spectra that are characteristic of crystalline phosphate
  • -forming organism We demonstrate nano-FTIR near-field microscopy on a Mytilus edulis (M. edulis) shell specimen, which exhibits easily resolvable fibrous biocalcite microcrystals and tablet-shaped bioaragonite nanocrystals. On a polished section, the expected characteristic interface [33] between an outer
  • 10 × 10 µm2 area each were consecutively acquired and stitched together. The topography (Figure 2a) exhibits the arrangement of (i) fiber-shaped biocalcite crystals with slightly oblique, flat surfaces at a few distinctly different heights, (ii) deep depressions mainly in the interlayer, and (iii
Full Research Paper
Published 05 Apr 2012
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