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Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2014, 10, 680–691, doi:10.3762/bjoc.10.61
Graphical Abstract
Scheme 1: Synthetic route for the synthesis of thiol functionalized 4-alkylphenols.
Scheme 2: Synthetic route for the chain transfer polymerization of N,N-diethylacrylamide (7) with CTA 6a and ...
Figure 1: Section of the MALDI –TOF spectrum of polymer 8b, indicating the high degree of end-group functiona...
Figure 2: 1H NMR spectrum of polymer 9b in CDCl3 (300 MHz, rt).
Figure 3: Top left: Section of the FTIR-spectrum of polymer 8b (black line) in comparison to 8bOx (red line);...
Figure 4: Dependency of the cloud point values on the degree of polymerization (calculated by end-group analy...
Figure 5: Shifts of the cloud points after the oxidation of the polymers (8a–d, 9a–d) to its corresponding su...
Figure 6: Turbidimetry measurements of polymer 8b (straight black line – heating curve; dotted black line – c...
Figure 7: 2D NMR NOESY spectrum of polymer 8b with two equivalents RAMEB-CD in D2O (600 MHz, rt).
Figure 8: Left: Schematic illustration of the micellar-like structures and reversibility by addition of RAMEB...
Figure 9: Schematic illustration of the micellar-like structures, its deformation upon addition of one equiva...