Pinch-off mechanism in double-lateral-gate junctionless transistors fabricated by scanning probe microscope based lithography

Farhad Larki, Arash Dehzangi, Alam Abedini, Ahmad Makarimi Abdullah, Elias Saion, Sabar D. Hutagalung, Mohd N. Hamidon and Jumiah Hassan
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2012, 3, 817–823.

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Pinch-off mechanism in double-lateral-gate junctionless transistors fabricated by scanning probe microscope based lithography
Farhad Larki, Arash Dehzangi, Alam Abedini, Ahmad Makarimi Abdullah, Elias Saion, Sabar D. Hutagalung, Mohd N. Hamidon and Jumiah Hassan
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2012, 3, 817–823.

How to Cite

Larki, F.; Dehzangi, A.; Abedini, A.; Abdullah, A. M.; Saion, E.; Hutagalung, S. D.; Hamidon, M. N.; Hassan, J. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2012, 3, 817–823. doi:10.3762/bjnano.3.91

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  • Larki, F.; Islam, S.; Dehzangi, A.; Islam, M. T.; Wong, H. Y. Effect of lateral Gate Design on the Performance of Junctionless Lateral Gate Transistors. Electronics 2019, 8, 538. doi:10.3390/electronics8050538
  • Larki, F.; Dehzangi, A.; Islam, S.; Ali, S. H. M.; Abedini, A.; Majlis, B. Y. Effect of Channel Width Variation on Electrical Characteristics of Double Lateral Gate Junctionless Transistors; A Numerical Study. Silicon 2017, 10, 1305–1314. doi:10.1007/s12633-017-9606-1
  • Yusoh, S. N.; Yaacob, K. A. Effect of tetramethylammonium hydroxide/isopropyl alcohol wet etching on geometry and surface roughness of silicon nanowires fabricated by AFM lithography. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 2016, 7, 1461–1470. doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.138
  • Garcia, R.; Knoll, A. W.; Riedo, E. Advanced scanning probe lithography. Nature nanotechnology 2014, 9, 577–587. doi:10.1038/nnano.2014.157
  • Larki, F.; Dehzangi, A.; Ali, S. H. M.; Jalar, A.; Islam, S.; Majlis, B. Y.; Saion, E.; Hamidon, M. N.; Hutagalung, S. D. Dependency of electrical characteristics on nano gap variation in pinch off lateral gate transistors. In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics (ICSE2014), IEEE, 2014; pp 170–173. doi:10.1109/smelec.2014.6920823
  • Larki, F.; Dehzangi, A.; Ali, S. H. M.; Jalar, A.; Islam, S.; Hamidon, M. N.; Majlis, B. Y. Effect of geometric parameters on the performance of p-type junctionless lateral gate transistors. PloS one 2014, 9, e95182. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095182
  • Sahu, C.; Swami, P.; Sharma, S.; Singh, J. Simplified drain current model for pinch-off double gate junctionless transistor. Electronics Letters 2014, 50, 116–118. doi:10.1049/el.2013.3342
  • Dehzangi, A.; Larki, F.; Majlis, B. Y.; Hamidon, M. N.; Navasery, M.; Gharibshahi, E.; Khalilzadeh, N.; Vakilian, M.; Saion, E. Numerical study of side gate junction-less transistor in on state. In RSM 2013 IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nanoelectronics, IEEE, 2013; pp 398–401. doi:10.1109/rsm.2013.6706575
  • Dehzangi, A.; Larki, F.; Majlis, B. Y.; Hamidon, M. N.; Menon, P. S.; Jalar, A.; Islam, S.; Ali, S. H. M. Numerical investigation of channel width variation in junctionless transistors performance. In RSM 2013 IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nanoelectronics, IEEE, 2013; pp 101–104. doi:10.1109/rsm.2013.6706483
  • Larki, F.; Dehzangi, A.; Hamidon, M. N.; Ali, S. H. M.; Jalar, A.; Islam, S. A simulation study of thickness effect in performance of double lateral gate junctionless transistors. In RSM 2013 IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nanoelectronics, IEEE, 2013; pp 89–92. doi:10.1109/rsm.2013.6706480
  • Dehzangi, A.; Larki, F.; Hutagalung, S. D.; Naseri, M. G.; Majlis, B. Y.; Navasery, M.; Hamid, N. A.; Noor, M. M. Impact of parameter variation in fabrication of nanostructure by atomic force microscopy nanolithography. PloS one 2013, 8, e65409. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065409
  • Dehzangi, A.; Larki, F.; Majlis, B. Y.; Naseri, M. G.; Navasery, M.; Abdullah, A. M.; Hutagalung, S. D.; Hamid, N. A.; Noor, M. M.; Vakilian, M.; Saion, E. B. Impact of KOH Etching on Nanostructure Fabricated by Local Anodic Oxidation Method. International Journal of Electrochemical Science 2013, 8, 8084–8096. doi:10.1016/s1452-3981(23)12871-9
  • Larki, F.; Dehzangi, A.; Hassan, J.; Abedini, A.; Saion, E.; Hutagalung, S. D.; Abdullah, A. M.; Hamidon, M. N. Pinch-off effect in p-type double gate and single gate junctionless silicon nanowire transistor fabricated by Atomic Force Microscopy Nanolithography. Nano Hybrids 2013, 4, 33–45. doi:10.4028/
  • Dehzangi, A.; Larki, F.; Hassan, J.; Hutagalung, S. D.; Saion, E.; Hamidon, M. N.; Abdullah, A. M.; Kharazmi, A.; Mohammadi, S.; Majlis, B. Y.
  • Dehzangi, A.; Larki, F.; Hassan, J.; Hutagalung, S. D.; Saion, E.; Hamidon, M. N.; Abdullah, A. M.; Kharazmi, A.; Mohammadi, S.; Majlis, B. Y. Fabrication of p-type Double gate and Single gate Junctionless silicon nanowire transistor by Atomic force microscopy nanolithography. Nano Hybrids 2013, 3, 93–113. doi:10.4028/
  • Larki, F. Ph.D. Thesis, Dec 1, 2012.
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