Nanostructuring of GeTiO amorphous films by pulsed laser irradiation

Valentin S. Teodorescu, Cornel Ghica, Adrian V. Maraloiu, Mihai Vlaicu, Andrei Kuncser, Magdalena L. Ciurea, Ionel Stavarache, Ana M. Lepadatu, Nicu D. Scarisoreanu, Andreea Andrei, Valentin Ion and Maria Dinescu
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 893–900.

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Nanostructuring of GeTiO amorphous films by pulsed laser irradiation
Valentin S. Teodorescu, Cornel Ghica, Adrian V. Maraloiu, Mihai Vlaicu, Andrei Kuncser, Magdalena L. Ciurea, Ionel Stavarache, Ana M. Lepadatu, Nicu D. Scarisoreanu, Andreea Andrei, Valentin Ion and Maria Dinescu
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 893–900.

How to Cite

Teodorescu, V. S.; Ghica, C.; Maraloiu, A. V.; Vlaicu, M.; Kuncser, A.; Ciurea, M. L.; Stavarache, I.; Lepadatu, A. M.; Scarisoreanu, N. D.; Andrei, A.; Ion, V.; Dinescu, M. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 893–900. doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.92

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  • Sultan, M. T.; Stavarache, I.; Manolescu, A.; Arnalds, U. B.; Teodorescu, V. S.; Svavarsson, H. G.; Ingvarsson, S.; Ciurea, M. L. Optimizing SiGe–SiO2 Visible–Short‐Wave Infrared Photoresponse by Modulating Interplay Between Strain and Defects Through Annealing. Advanced Photonics Research 2024, 5. doi:10.1002/adpr.202300316
  • Lepadatu, A.-M.; Stavarache, I.; Palade, C.; Slav, A.; Dascalescu, I.; Cojocaru, O.; Maraloiu, V.-A.; Teodorescu, V. S.; Stoica, T.; Ciurea, M. L. Enhancing Short-Wave Infrared Photosensitivity of SiGe Nanocrystals-Based Films through Embedding Matrix-Induced Passivation, Stress, and Nanocrystallization. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2024, 128, 4119–4142. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c06996
  • Stavarache, I.; Palade, C.; Maraloiu, V. A.; Teodorescu, V. S.; Stoica, T.; Ciurea, M. L. Annealing Effects on the Charging–Discharging Mechanism in Trilayer Al2O3/Ge/Al2O3 Memory Structures. ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2024, 6, 978–986. doi:10.1021/acsaelm.3c01454
  • Palade, C.; Lepadatu, A.-M.; Slav, A.; Teodorescu, V. S.; Stoica, T.; Ciurea, M. L.; Ursutiu, D.; Samoila, C. Nanocrystallized Ge-Rich SiGe-HfO2 Highly Photosensitive in Short-Wave Infrared. Materials (Basel, Switzerland) 2021, 14, 7040. doi:10.3390/ma14227040
  • Stavarache, I.; Palade, C.; Prepelita, P.; Teodorescu, V. S.; Ciurea, M. L. In-situ magnetron sputtering co-deposition of Ge nanoparticles in Si 3 N 4 films for near infrared detection. In 2021 International Semiconductor Conference (CAS), IEEE, 2021; pp 261–264. doi:10.1109/cas52836.2021.9604124
  • Stavarache, I.; Cojocaru, O.; Maraloiu, V. A.; Teodorescu, V. S.; Stoica, T.; Ciurea, M. L. Effects of Ge-related storage centers formation in Al2O3 enhancing the performance of floating gate memories. Applied Surface Science 2021, 542, 148702. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.148702
  • Palade, C.; Stavarache, I.; Stoica, T.; Ciurea, M. L. GeSi Nanocrystals Photo-Sensors for Optical Detection of Slippery Road Conditions Combining Two Classification Algorithms. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 2020, 20, 6395. doi:10.3390/s20216395
  • Lepadatu, A.-M.; Palade, C.; Slav, A.; Cojocaru, O.; Maraloiu, V.-A.; Iftimie, S.; Comanescu, F.; Dinescu, A.; Teodorescu, V. S.; Stoica, T.; Ciurea, M. L. Influence of SiGe Nanocrystallization on Short-Wave Infrared Sensitivity of SiGe–TiO2 Films and Multilayers. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020, 124, 25043–25053. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c06290
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  • Lepadatu, A.-M.; Slav, A.; Palade, C.; Dascalescu, I.; Enculescu, M.; Iftimie, S.; Lazanu, S.; Teodorescu, V. S.; Ciurea, M. L.; Stoica, T. Dense Ge nanocrystals embedded in TiO 2 with exponentially increased photoconduction by field effect. Scientific reports 2018, 8, 4898. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-23316-3
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  • Lepadatu, A.-M.; Palade, C.; Slav, A.; Maraloiu, A.; Lazanu, S.; Stoica, T.; Logofatu, C.; Teodorescu, V. S.; Ciurea, M. L. Single layer of Ge quantum dots in HfO2 for floating gate memory capacitors. Nanotechnology 2017, 28, 175707. doi:10.1088/1361-6528/aa66b7
  • Serban Teodorescu, V.; Teodorescu, V. S.; Maraloiu, A. V.; Kuncser, A.; Ghica, C.; Ciurea, M. L.; Lepadatu, A.; Stavarache, I.; Scarisoreanu, D. N.; Blanchin, M.; Dinescu, A. doi:10.1002/9783527808465.emc2016.6745
  • Stavarache, I.; Maraloiu, V. A.; Prepelita, P.; Iordache, G. Nanostructured germanium deposited on heated substrates with enhanced photoelectric properties. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 2016, 7, 1492–1500. doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.142
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  • Teodorescu, V. S.; Maraloiu, A.; Negrea, R.; Ghica, D.; Scarisoreanu, N.; Dinescu, M.; Gartner, M.; Blanchin, M. High atomic diffusivity during pulsed laser irradiation of TiON quasi-amorphous films. Applied Surface Science 2016, 374, 248–251. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.11.188
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