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Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1525–1541, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.135
Figure 1: Schematic of V-shaped cantilevers with different geometrical parameters.
Figure 2: Tip trajectory of a V-shaped cantilever interacting with a Au sample (L = 85 µm, = 15 µm, bref = 8...
Figure 3: Ratio of second eigenmode to first eigenmode as a function of the length of V-shaped cantilevers fo...
Figure 4: Second eigenmode phase difference between Au and PS versus setpoint for a given cantilever length. ...
Figure 5: Ratio of second eigenmode to first eigenmode as a function of the triangle base width (b) of V-shap...
Figure 6: Second eigenmode phase difference between Au and PS as a function of the setpoint for a given canti...
Figure 7: Ratio of second eigenmode to first eigenmode versus each arm’s width () of V-shaped cantilevers for...
Figure 8: Phase difference of the Second eigenmode between Au and PS as a function of the setpoint for a give...
Figure 9: Ratio of second eigenmode to first eigenmode versus thickness (t) of V-shaped cantilevers for: freq...
Figure 10: Second eigenmode phase difference between Au and PS as function of the setpoint for different canti...
Figure 11: Amplitude versus frequency response: (a) 1st eigenmode frequency tune curve of the long V-shaped ca...
Figure 12: Simulation results of three commercial cantilevers in bimodal AFM done on Au and PS polymers. Verti...
Figure 13: Bimodal AFM images of Au–PS samples. Left column: MULTI75G, middle column: TR400Long, right column:...
Figure 14: Bimodal AFM images of PS-LDPE samples. Left column: MULTI75G, middle column: TR400Long, right colum...
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 1116–1122, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.103
Figure 1: Generalized Maxwell or Wiechert mechanical model diagram representing the relationship between stre...
Figure 2: Numerical simulations corresponding to a parabolic AFM tip tapping on a polyisobutylene surface, de...
Figure 3: Polystyrene thin-film topography images for AM-AFM using the fundamental eigenmode (a), AM-AFM usin...
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2014, 5, 1144–1151, doi:10.3762/bjnano.5.125
Figure 1: (a) and (b) topography and phase images, respectively, of a Nafion® membrane acquired in the attrac...
Figure 2: Simulations of maximum indentation and peak force (see section Methods below for details on the num...
Figure 3: Bimodal experiments with varying second eigenmode amplitude for a Nafion® membrane (the images corr...
Figure 4: Illustration of the ideal response of a harmonic oscillator [22]. (a) Amplitude and phase vs excitation...
Figure 5: Simulated behavior of the first eigenmode phase as a function of free amplitude (a) and cantilever ...
Figure 6: Morphology change of the topographical feature highlighted in Figure 1a for different imaging conditions. (a...
Figure 7: Scan line profiles along the dashed line indicated in Figure 6a for the images shown in Figure 6a (attractive), Figure 6b (rep...