Controlling alkyne reactivity by means of a copper-catalyzed radical reaction system for the synthesis of functionalized quaternary carbons

Goki Hirata, Yu Yamane, Naoya Tsubaki, Reina Hara and Takashi Nishikata
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 502–508.

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Controlling alkyne reactivity by means of a copper-catalyzed radical reaction system for the synthesis of functionalized quaternary carbons
Goki Hirata, Yu Yamane, Naoya Tsubaki, Reina Hara and Takashi Nishikata
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 502–508.

How to Cite

Hirata, G.; Yamane, Y.; Tsubaki, N.; Hara, R.; Nishikata, T. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 502–508. doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.45

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Scholarly Works

  • Nishikata, T. α-Halocarbonyls as a Valuable Functionalized Tertiary Alkyl Source. ChemistryOpen 2024, e202400108. doi:10.1002/open.202400108
  • Tokranova, E. O.; Tokranov, A. A.; Yu Vinogradov, K.; Shafigulin, R. V.; Bulanova, A. V. Mesoporous silica gel doped with dysprosium and modified with copper: A selective catalyst for the hydrogenation of 1‐hexyne/1‐hexene mixture. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 2022, 54, 647–658. doi:10.1002/kin.21602
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