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Search for "super-trifluoromethyl" in Full Text gives 1 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry.

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  • attracted considerable interest in many areas such as medicines, agrochemicals, and other new materials, since the highly stable SF5 group is considered a “super-trifluoromethyl group” due to its significantly higher electronegativity and lipophilicity. This article describes the first practical method for
  • economical production of various arylsulfur pentafluorides and their higher homologues, which could then open up a new era of “super-trifluoromethyl” arene chemistry and its applications in many areas. Keywords: arylsulfur chlorotetrafluoride; arylsulfur pentafluoride; pentafluorosulfanyl; sulfur
  • pentafluoride; super-trifluoromethyl; Introduction Pentafluorosulfanyl (SF5) is considered a “super-trifluoromethyl group” as SF5 has the peculiarity of fluorine beyond a trifluoromethyl (CF3) group [1]. Arylsulfur pentafluorides (ArSF5) are very thermally and chemically stable [2]. Pioneering work by Sheppard
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Full Research Paper
Published 29 Mar 2012
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