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Search for "cinnoline" in Full Text gives 4 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry.

Tuneable access to indole, indolone, and cinnoline derivatives from a common 1,4-diketone Michael acceptor

  • Dalel El-Marrouki,
  • Sabrina Touchet,
  • Abderrahmen Abdelli,
  • Hédi M’Rabet,
  • Mohamed Lotfi Efrit and
  • Philippe C. Gros

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1722–1731, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.144

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  • construction of nitrogen-containing heterocycles from common substrates: 1,4-diketones and primary amines. Indeed, by just varying the substrates, the substituents, or the heating mode, it is possible to selectively synthesize indole, indolone (1,5,6,7-tetrahydroindol-4-one), or cinnoline (5,6,7,8
  • -tetrahydrocinnoline) derivatives in moderate to excellent yields. Keywords: cinnoline; 1,4-diketone; indole; indolone; N-heterocycle; Introduction Nitrogen-containing heterocycles are widespread in plenty of molecules of interest, either in materials science, optics, electronics, or biology [1][2][3][4]. They are
  • cinnoline (5,6,7,8-tetrahydrocinnoline) derivatives are important classes of functionalized compounds, having biological and medicinal activities of interest (Figure 1) [5][6][7][8]. Indeed, indole ring-containing compounds have various biological and pharmacological activities and are part of many marketed
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Published 17 Jul 2020

Synthesis and chemosensing properties of cinnoline-containing poly(arylene ethynylene)s

  • Natalia A. Danilkina,
  • Petr S. Vlasov,
  • Semen M. Vodianik,
  • Andrey A. Kruchinin,
  • Yuri G. Vlasov and
  • Irina A. Balova

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2015, 11, 373–384, doi:10.3762/bjoc.11.43

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  • ethynylene)s comprising a cinnoline core were prepared in high yields via a three-step methodology. A Richter-type cyclization of 2-ethynyl- and 2-(buta-1,3-diynyl)aryltriazenes was used for cinnoline ring formation, followed by a Sonogashira coupling for the introduction of trimethylsilylethynyl moieties
  • and a sila-Sonogashira coupling as the polycondensation technique. The fluorescence of the cinnoline-containing polymers in THF was highly sensitive to quenching by Pd2+ ions. Keywords: cinnolines; fluorescence quenching; Pd2+ detection; poly(arylene ethynylene)s; Sonogashira coupling; Introduction
  • form complexes with transition metal ions (e.g. Cu+, Cu2+, Ag+, Co2+, Ni2+) [28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35], the introduction of this structural fragments into PAEs might give rise to a new family of chemosensors. Here we describe the first synthesis of PAEs consisting of altering cinnoline, ethynyl
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Published 20 Mar 2015

A facile synthesis of functionalized 7,8-diaza[5]helicenes through an oxidative ring-closure of 1,1’-binaphthalene-2,2’-diamines (BINAMs)

  • Youhei Takeda,
  • Masato Okazaki,
  • Yoshiaki Maruoka and
  • Satoshi Minakata

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2015, 11, 9–15, doi:10.3762/bjoc.11.2

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  • due to background side-reactions such as chlorination on the aromatic rings and oxidative oligomerization of BINAMs. Furthermore, this new oxidative method was found to be applicable in the ring-closing reaction of 1,1’-biphenyl-2,2’-diamine (3) leading to benzo[c]cinnoline (4) in a good yield
  • * transitions in the lower energy region (400–450 nm), an absorption (shoulder at 330–350 nm) and a strong absorption (300–330 nm) ascribed to π–π* transitions, which are typical to aromatic ring-fused cinnoline derivatives [13] (representative spectra are shown in Figure 1; for the full spectra, see Supporting
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Published 05 Jan 2015

Recent advances in the gold-catalyzed additions to C–C multiple bonds

  • He Huang,
  • Yu Zhou and
  • Hong Liu

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2011, 7, 897–936, doi:10.3762/bjoc.7.103

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  • formed through a AuPPh3Cl catalyzed cyclization reaction [139]. Using gold complex [XPhosAu(NCCH3)SbF6] as the catalyst, Jurberg and Gagosz prepared the cinnoline derivatives 261 by the hydroarylation of N-propargyl-N-arylhydrazines 260 [140]. With the gold complex [Mes3PAu]NTf2, an alkynyl ether moiety
Published 04 Jul 2011
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